If your vehicle has been here before, we can get you signed in more quickly if you bring us your exact mileage.
If your wheels have locking lug nuts, please let us know where the key is.
Double check the phone numbers and license plate, as these are pre-filled from the last visit.
Please read the repair order carefully; we need your help to make sure your concerns are properly conveyed to the mechanic.
Make sure you are available when your vehicle is with us. If you are hard to reach, your repair may be delayed.
Please understand that each mechanic has multiple cars to work on in the course of the day; he cannot start every project first. Please inform us at the time of drop-off if there is a specific time at which you need to pick the vehicle up.
Please take note of our business hours. If you cannot pick the car up by the end of our workday, be sure to contact us before closing time; otherwise, we will lock the vehicle indoors until the following business day.
Vehicles dropped off after 10:00 in the morning may not be looked at the same day.
If you have not heard from us by 2:00, please check in.
FRIDAY: 8:00 AM TO 5:00 PM (closed 12 noon to 1pm for lunch)