What To Do While Waiting For Your Car


Ideally you wouldn’t wait around for your us to fix your car. It’s much better to be at home, or at work, or spending the day with a friend, or anything other than spending the whole day sitting around wondering, “Is it done yet?”. However, sometime this is just not possible, and you need to wait around for your car to be done. Here are some places to go to keep your mind off your car and how long it’s taking to fix.

Click the image of the map for walking directions from Google Maps.

Update 04/2020 — Yikes! Apparently every single business on our list had gone out of business since we published this. I guess you can’t write a web page and leave it sitting for 10 years without modification. Sorry about that! Here’s some more current recommendations.


13 acres of open space. There’s a playground for kids, tennis courts, basketball courts, picnic benches and lots and lots of grass for you and your dog. A mere 4 minute walk from Art’s Automotive, it’s a great destination for a shorter wait.

Walking directions to San Pablo Park

4 minute walk from Art’s Automotive

Wonderous BREWING

Well, you probably shouldn’t spend too much time here or you won’t be able to drive your car home, but Wonderous Brewing is great. I love west coast IPA, and while everyone went crazy brewing beer-mimosas, Wonderous made sure to have several delicious clear IPAs on tap.

Wonderous Brewing

(510) 289-4280

Walking directions to Wonderous Brewing

15 minute walk from Art’s Automotive


Cellarmaker has moved into the old Rare Barrel building on Parker street in Berkeley, pretty close to our shop. Last time I went they still had some of Rare Barrel’s sour beers, and of course their own offerings, like their famous Coffee and Cigarettes porter.

Cellarmaker Berkeley

(341) 946-9794

Walking directions to Cellarmaker

10 minute walk from Art’s Automotive


Don’t want to day drink on a weekday when you’ll need to drive home? Fair enough. If you want to go the other way and sit and enjoy a cup of coffee, Paradise Park Cafe has coffee, food, and Wi-Fi. You can bring a laptop and get some work done if you’re a mind to .

(510) 756-3131

Walking directions to ParadisE Park Cafe

17 minute walk from Art’s Automotive


It’s good Korean food. I like everything about it except for my breath after eating it. Please stand a foot or so away from the counter when picking your car up 🙂


Walking directions to Spoon Bistro

6 minute walk from Art’s Automotive


As the name suggests, Urban Ore is a place where you can mine through the refuse created by our consumption based economy. Like the saying goes, one man’s trash is another’s treasure. Urban Ore saves the good stuff from the scrap heap. If you find yourself thinking, “they don’t make them like that anymore”, well you might find one made like they used to make them. Even if you don’t need anything, it’s fun to wander the isles of this giant warehouse looking at stuff from by-gone eras. Pretend you’re an anthropologist, none of the other shoppers will be able to tell.


Walking directions to urban ore

8 minute walk from Art’s Automotive